Start the Presses!

Greetings my colleagues!  My my, what an interesting few weeks it’s been, with balls and blog hacking and all.   I will admit the Ladies had been attempting to, ahem, get in touch as soon as they became aware of this research project.  I’m only beginning to understand the communication process, and their technological advances are truly fascinating… but all that aside, I really need to have a few words with Dr. Erma about Guest Blogger etiquette!  Still, I suppose it’s completely understandable, given what we know about her quirks; I’m beginning to understand her fellow Ladies’ chagrin first hand.  But I digress…  onto more important matters at hand!

It is my great pleasure to Officially Announce the upcoming publication of Needles And Artifice, a Ladies of Mischief  knitting book, by the wonderful Shannon Okey at Cooperative Press!  This book features a delightful assortment of original knitting patterns inspired by the Ladies and their adventures, from High Society to Mad Science and beyond.  But more than that,  these patterns and locals are drawn from the greatest Ladies of Mischief adventure story yet told, in multi-chapter glory, with all the Ladies you love (catching up on their blog stories thus far is not necessary, but highly recommended!)   Release is scheduled for late summer/early fall, and you can be sure we’ll provide additional publication details and event dates along the way.

Of course, we can’t give too much away yet, but here are a few delightful tidbits:

It has been such an outstanding collaborative journey, and we are thrilled to be able to share it with you soon!  In the meantime, stay tuned for photos of the aforementioned Ball and much more…

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