Tea Time With The Ladies

Hello my colleagues!  I just wanted to pop on quickly and let you know about a special event this weekend.

The Ladies will be hosting an event this Saturday the 15th at Ada’s Technical Books, where we’re thrilled to be the December Authors of the Month.  Please join us from 4-6pm for tea, show-and-tell, reading from the book, and many other delights.  We hope to see you there!  And thanks again to the lovely Ada’s for hosting us and celebrating our publication.

News and links and dates!

Grettings, my colleagues!  Much excitement going on at Mischief Central and some news and updates for you all.  First of all, hard-copy books have arrived!  And so have many great places to acquire one, if you haven’t already: hard-copies through Amazon, already filling up with great reviews (thank you!!); Knit Picks and Ravelry for the eBook, and of course Cooperative Press for the two-in-one… OR simply use the lovely link to your right.  So simple!

For our most excellent (and patient) kickstarter supporters, signed hard-copies and those with extra gifts will be on their way soon!  In the meantime, we’d love to send a free pdf eBook to anyone who selected one of the book prizes on kickstarter to tide you over.  If you haven’t gotten one yet, please drop a line to ladiesofmischief@gmail.com and we’ll get you hooked up right away.

Aaaand for the last, but certainly not least, announcement….

Saturday, January the 12th – Save the Date for our Launch Party!  Details to follow, but for now, know that it will be in Seattle, full of outstanding food, festivities and entertainment; and we would love for you to join us!  So, pencil it in on your calendar in your most over-the-top Victorian script and start planning (or knitting) your ensemble!

Whew!  That’s enough excitement for the moment, I think.  But I’ll be back again soon with the inside designer scoop for our final chapter, Mechanical.  Stay tuned!

An Invitation From Miss Hackworth

Dearest Ladies,

It has come to my attention that a grand gathering concerning our favorite subjects is happening soon. The Steampunk Exhibition Ball will allow us to meet and mingle with the finest minds in Seattle. We have a chance to show off our latest fashions and see the new advances in personal clockworks. I am particularly interested in viewing the spectacular and outlandish headwear contest-and as you know, I have a new headpiece to put on display myself.

I’ve spoken with Theodosia, Alyssa, Johanna and Erma, who are all attending. The night is sure to be filled with excitement and wonder! I do hope that you will consider joining us.

