Meet the Ladies: Coraline Hackworth

Good day my colleagues!  I hope you’re having a lovely one.  I’ll have another multi-part extravaganza for you soon, but for now let’s keep rolling with our Meet the Ladies series…

Coraline Hackworth

Miss Hackworth is the Ladies’ high-flying Queen of the Skies.  Captain of the mighty airship Lilith Ascending, Coraline jet sets around the globe, gathering the latest technology for Hackworth Airships, heading trade negotiations, and enjoying the world’s most lovely cities.  With the help of her trusty and charming mechanic Peter Thistleby, Coraline always keep the Ladies flying in style and comfort, with a cup of the finest tea and plenty of good conversation.

[Archival photos currently being researched]

Meet The Ladies: Theodosia LaDuke

Good day my colleagues!  In continuing with our Meet The Ladies series, here’s the inside scoop on our favorite Amazonian Adventuress

Theodosia LaDuke

Miss LaDuke, or Theo as the other Ladies like to call her, is a free-spirited force of nature.  Not content to spend her life married away to a yawn of a man and following society’s stipulations, she took her money and ran… all the way to South America.  She parked her ship, trecked into the amazon, and set herself up quite nicely with the locals (and local sheep), contentedly crafting and dying fiber in her self-made paradise.  The ladies are always eager for her letters, illustrations and precious samples of her exotic discoveries.  Though I don’t doubt she’d turn that ship for home in an instant if any one of them was in need of her assistance.  And I have the feeling with a little help from Theo, there isn’t much they couldn’t do.

We Made it!

We made it to the end of our kickstarter and with a huge amount, almost 150% over our original goal! You guys have no idea how much we appreciate this. Your support has been overwhelming and we all thank you more then we can express here. So you’re probably wondering: what happens next? I’m so glad you asked! The book is well on its way with virtually all of the sample yarn having arrived from our amazing dyer team. Patterns are being test knit now (if you’re interested in helping us to test knit drop me a line), and costumes are being sewn. We plan to start photography shoots early next month including a shoot on the wonderful Lady Washington tall ship from Pirates of the Caribbean, and some antique trains.
If you would like to keep up with us all over the internet check out these links.  Lots of goodies there for you.!/ladiesofmischief

Follow us on twitter @MischiefLadies

Once again thank you so much! I’ll leave you with some pictures of all the wonderful yarn we have received so far. Just breathe in the wool and savor that color palette.

Meet The Ladies: Anna O’Hare

A lovely day to you all, my colleagues!  Since things are really rolling now with the Ladies of Mischief book project, I’ve decided it’s a great time for you to get to know them all a little better.  Naturally, I’ve been saving up some excellent tidbits on each of them for the book, and I’m trilled the time is finally here to share them with you!  Consider it a little preview of what’s to come, as thanks for all your outstanding support.  And if you’ve been waiting to be a part of the project, there’s just one day left to secure your one-of-a-kind prizes before they’re gone for good!  Thank you all again for your amazing contributions.

Now without further ado, let’s meet the first of our Ladies…

Anna Roisin O’ Hare

Anna is a feisty, bright and headstrong Lady, not afraid to adventure into parts unknown, land her dirigible in the middle of a storm, or curse in front of, well… everybody.  A true Jill-of-all-Trades, she’s not content unless she’s flying, fighting, knitting and tinkering her way across the globe.  And when she manages to find a quiet moment, she pens it all in glorious narrative detail for her beloved Ladies – and now us – to read and enjoy.  Believe me, you haven’t heard the half of it yet!  And one mustn’t forget her charming, semi-unwilling companion, Kristoff von Boltenstein (though I get the feeling  his reticence can only last so long…)